特性 features
本产品是由全不锈钢材料制作而成利用水循环系统冷却, 冷却效果好, 减少薄膜封装产品的废品率, 提高了封口质量名主要用于不同类型的单薄模,吹塑模,复合膜。适用于水产品,食品,医药,化工,餐饮,五金以及多种行业的塑料包装。
This product is made from stainless steel material the use of cooling
water circulation system,the cooling effect, reducing the rejection rate of the filrn packaging products, improve seal quality name for different
types of thin mold, blow mold, the composite membrane.For aquatic products, food, pharmaceutical, chemical.food and beverage, metal and plastic
packaging of a variety of industries.finish printing and sealing meanwhile