HF90001(400)全自动真空充气保鲜机采用MAP(modified Atmosphere Packaging)的包装原理,通过在真空包装盒内,
加入适当比例的混合气体, 试用气调的方法, 延长盒内包装物的保质期同时保留原产品的原有营养元素和口感。
HF90001 (400) series Auto Tray Sealer adopts modified atmosphere packaging principle for adding proper proportion air mixer with
cincocting method inside of vacuum wraperto maintain the intrinsical origin of the packed products.Lots offood could be packed to
protect normal quality in the areas of meatpacking,vegetables,cooked food,pastry,microwave oven food and etc.
特性 features
采用可编程控制器( PLC)和触摸式人机界面,操作简单方便。
采用光电跟踪技术,可选用彩色盖膜进行包装,所选用的包装材料和包装规格范围广,可在规定范围内可任意选择,在抽真空的基础上, 可冲氮气或其他混合气体。
Easyclean and sanitary by stainless steel construction.BUSCH vacuum pump from Germany guarantee perfor manceand durability.
Digital display PLC interface with touching panel from Japanfor easy operation.
Photoelectrical reading technologyand colorfilm optional.Various wrapper and specification choice with scope on thesame machine.
Gas of nitrogen orother mixtures based on vacuum.
选配功能 OptionalFunctions
Trays drop automaticallyPiston Type or Time Control Type for fillingliquid,viscosity or othersProvide CIP washing systemLinear conveyor transport output automatically.